Thursday, February 20, 2014

How to balance work with your golf game

Trying to squeeze golf into your schedule is sometimes a hassle. Going to this meeting or this client always causes a rain check to your practicing time. If you have extra office space you always have extra time to improve your game. Any local golf store carries a turf putting green for between thirty to sixty dollars. Also, you can get a golf net set up in your office to practice on that 3-wood that you can never hit solid.

How to diet during golf season

Dieting is essential to being a great athlete, and with golf - yes you have to diet. To start, water is an everyday need to keep hydrated. Also, hydration keeps your body replenished for the next coming days which will have you performing at your best. For breakfast: eggs, bacon, milk, oatmeal, protein shakes, smoothies. All of these are a good way to start the day. During the day you need something to keep you going but not inflate you. PB and J's or chicken breasts can get you though that long day. As for dinner, salmon can be a great substitute for a meaty steak. Please try to stay away from desserts as well. These dieting tips can get you fit and get you to the top of your game.

Having trouble committing to your swing?

One of the worst things to do while playing is second guessing your swing. As soon as you look at your target once you need to pull the trigger. A pre-shot routine can influence this great habit.

How to fix your swing plane

This video is a major help to all of you amateur golfers out the. Hope you like the post.

Having FEAR on the golf course?

Everyday millions of people struggle from having fear while playing golf. This is not unusual. PGA tour pros deal with fear on a daily basis and use tactics to help them get rid of fear. Next time you are having a fearsome round here are a few keys to remember. 1. Try to have fun when playing golf instead of getting upset. 2. Think more on your target instead of your swing and what bad things can arise from it. 3. Never doubt your greatness on the course. 4. Try to think about other things then golf when walking in between shots. Fear can restrain us from adventure and victory. Have confidence in yourself everyday and maybe you will be able to beat your buddy and your next round of golf.

How to keep your energy up on the course

Are you losing your energy on the golf? The most likely cause is you are not eating enough. To be a successful golfer you need to eat something every three holes. Things like peanut butter, hot dogs, granola bars, and bananas can be useful on the course. Remember, the time to eat is before you are hungry. If you are already hungry it is to late.